Feeling Happy, Feeling Strong Resources
Thank you for signing up for these supplemental materials for the Feeling Happy, Feeling Strong book.
If you think anyone you know would benefit from reading my book who hasn’t already, please send them a link or give it a shoutout on instagram or Facebook, it really helps and I’d like this book to find its way to those who need it.
Guided meditations from the book
You can use these whenever you feel like, anywhere it is safe to close your eyes (not driving, operating machinery or other). If you ever want to do part of an exercise for longer just hit pause and then continue when you are ready.
Coming Back into Your Body
In this exercise you can choose one thing to say to your body from the list I read out, or think of your own.
Taking a Moment to Fully Recognise How Well You Are Doing
Accepting My Body
Taking a Moment to Remember That We’re Only Human
Accepting a Wide Range of Emotions
In this exercise I am going to list consecutive emotions while you practice feeling acceptance of them.
As I read the list out you can say “I accept feeling ____” for each.
Connecting to Our Physical Sensations
Connecting to Our Emotions and Working with Them
Accepting We Behaved Poorly
In this exercise you will create the sentence that sums up how you felt you behaved. Take your time, pausing the track if you need to. Also, remember this is not about blame but being as truthful as possible.
Massaging the Inside of Our Body with Our Breath
I hope these have been helpful. If you haven’t already, please leave a review for Feeling Happy, Feeling Strong, so that others know they may benefit from it also, thank you!! A review on any of these sites would be great: Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.ca, Amazon.com.au, Goodreads, Kobo or a site of your choosing.