What is Coaching?
Coaching offers a chance to be heard and supported in a focused session. While we all have goals or aspirations sometimes it can be difficult to find the right way forward, or to overcome recurring pitfalls. A coach can support you in finding the inner resources you need to move forward, as well as helping you connect to your genuine desires and beliefs so that you are moving towards a goal that is right for you.
I offer two types of coaching: Leadership Coaching to people in positions of responsibility, from those in larger corporations to self-employed people, and Holistic Coaching to support people with their wellbeing and self-development.
Who do you Coach and what for?
I coach people from a wide variety of backgrounds with a wide range of goals who are motivated to change. I have worked with people in the corporate sector, CEOs of startups, teachers, doctors and creatives, among others. There are too many different goals to name (from social change, to education, to artistic endeavour) but there are two broad categories of client I often work with:
1. People who want to become better leaders and make a difference in the world in the way only they can. It is worth mentioning that leadership is not just for CEOs – parents, teachers, doctors, nurses, artists – anyone who has an impact on other people can benefit from finding and honing their unique leadership style. Real leadership is about knowing ourselves well enough that we can be self-accountable and enact change, stand for something or protect the vulnerable, perhaps. At its core it is a way of being much more than a job title.
2. People who have reached a crossroads in life and know they need to make a change, but are not sure what is right for them. I understand that this can be a difficult process – even painful, yet one that holds a lot of possibility for new growth and life. I am experienced at supporting people through these transitional and transformational times.
I also help people outside of these two categories, who are ready to make a change or make progress in their life.
Is Coaching like having Counselling?
Coaching is different to counselling, in that it takes place largely in the present moment and we look towards the future together. Although the past may come up organically from time to time, we focus on your experience now and your vision for your life. If you are feeling that you currently mainly need to work on issues from your past (which is valuable work) you may benefit more from counselling at this time.
When Would I benefit from Coaching?
There is nothing quite like coaching to support you while going through a transitional time, or to help you bring out the best of yourself.
It can help you to: gain clarity, find your passion, understand blocks, move forward and grow as a person. There is an emphasis on empowerment, as you are assisted in finding your own answers and it can be both validating and meaningful.
My clients often start their coaching journey when they feel something is not going as well as it could (either professionally or personally), when they are at a crossroads, they feel that life lacks meaning or fulfilment, or when they are working towards a specific goal or project and need extra support. There is a reason world-class athletes and CEOs have a team backing them; it can be hard to make significant progress in our lives using our own determination and perspective alone.
What is Different About Your Approach?
In addition to coaching, I have a varied background of work and study (acupuncture, stretching, self-development, writing and more) which helps me to think outside of the box and assist clients in making meaningful change. Working with me will therefore be quite different to working with someone with a background in corporate work and you may find this opens up different possibilities for your coaching.
As a writer and creator, I also have a good understanding of tackling challenges and projects and seeing them all the way to the end and everything that that process entails – both practically and personally. For this reason I have worked with many creatives and entrepreneurs who are attempting to do something they have never done before. I am also passionate about supporting those who are: creating social change, supporting the vulnerable in society and, or intent on bringing their gifts into the world to make a difference in some way.
What is Coaching at Depth?
This means that we explore both goals and obstacles in the context of what is right for you, whether this is a career or personal goal. While taking a very logical approach to achieving a goal or solving a problem is usually very sensible, it can also be extremely important to know how we feel and what we really want. This can save us time, energy and help us achieve real satisfaction, rather than just working towards things that “look good on paper”. And this kind of perspective often has real-world benefits in terms of quality of life, relationships, achievement and career progress.
This means that if you need a coach to predominantly work on more external goals without that deeper connection to what is right for you or your company (i.e. actioning a corporate strategy but not thinking about the deeper meaning or purpose behind that), I am probably not the right coach for you at this time. But if you are looking for someone who can support you in bringing more of your own innate talents and abilities into the world in order to make a difference to your own life or others’, I may be the right coach for you.
What is the Next Step?
If you are interested in learning more about my coaching, you can book a free 30 min zoom call with me to see if we are a good fit here:
Alternatively, if you would rather focus on self-lead personal development for now, you can check out the resources or my books instead.